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How to get pull request id from Jenkins Pipeline


I'm trying to analyse my source code with Sonar using Jenkins pipelines. To ask Sonar to notify Github with the results I need to specify the Pull Request ID.

How can I get this Pull Request ID from Jenkins Pipelines?

We are using GitHub Organization Folder Plugin to build pull requests, not GitHub pull request builder plugin. That's why $ghprbPullId is not working for me. Any ideas how to get the pull request id in a different way?

like image 510
Aliaksandr Kavalevich Avatar asked Jan 17 '17 11:01

Aliaksandr Kavalevich

People also ask

What is Change_id in Jenkins?

Multibranch Pipelines expose additional information about the branch being built through the env global variable, such as: BRANCH_NAME. Name of the branch for which this Pipeline is executing, for example master . CHANGE_ID. An identifier corresponding to some kind of change request, such as a pull request number.

What is the difference between pipeline and Multibranch pipeline?

A multibranch pipeline is a pipeline that has multiple branches. The main advantage of using a multibranch pipeline is to build and deploy multiple branches from a single repository. Having a multibranch pipeline also allows you to have different environments for different branches.

What is Multibranch pipeline in Jenkins?

What's a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline? A multibranch job is simply a folder of pipeline jobs. For every branch you have, Jenkins will create a folder. So instead of creating a pipeline job for each of the branches you have in a git repository, you could use a multibranch job.

1 Answers

Jenkins exposes a global variable named CHANGE_ID:

For a multibranch project corresponding to some kind of change request, this will be set to the change ID, such as a pull request number.

This variable is only populated for pull request builds, so you have to disable branch builds and enable PR builds in your pipeline's configuration for branch sources:

enter image description here

My pipeline step then looks like this:

def PULL_REQUEST = env.CHANGE_ID  stage('Analysis') {         withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: '***', variable: 'GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']]) {             withSonarQubeEnv('Sonar') {                 withMaven(maven: 'M3') {                     sh "mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.2:sonar " +                             "-Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview " +                             "-Dsonar.github.pullRequest=${PULL_REQUEST} " +                             "-Dsonar.github.oauth=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}"                 }             }         }     } 
like image 197
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10
