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CSS custom properties polyfill for ie11


Is there a way to pollyfill a custom CSS property for ie11 with JavaScript? I was thinking on load, check if browser supports custom properties and if not do some kind of find and replace on the properties.

Is this possible with JavaScript or some library?


like image 693
user973671 Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 15:09


2 Answers

Have a look at this (my) Custom-Properties-Polyfill:

How it works

The script makes use of the fact that IE has minimal custom properties support where properties can be defined and read out with the cascade in mind.
.myEl {-ie-test:'aaa'} // only one dash allowed "-"
then read it in javascript:
getComputedStyle( querySelector('.myEl') )['-ie-test']

From the README:


  • handles dynamic added html-content
  • handles dynamic added , -elements
  • chaining --bar:var(--foo)
  • fallback var(--color, blue)
  • :focus, :target, :hover
  • js-integration:
    • style.setProperty('--x','y')
    • style.getPropertyValue('--x')
    • getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('--inherited')
  • Inline styles: <div ie-style="--color:blue"...
  • cascade works
  • inheritance works
  • under 3k (min+gzip) and dependency-free



like image 128
Tobias Buschor Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10

Tobias Buschor

You didn't mention how you're bundling your JavaScript, but yes, it's possible. For example, PostCSS has a plugin, which polyfills this feature.

The usage depends on how you're bundling your script files. With Webpack, for example, you'd define this plugin in your postcss config or import it as a plugin under your webpack config:

// webpack.config.js: module.exports = {   module: {     rules: [         {             test: /\.css$/,             use: ["style-loader", "css-loader", "postcss-loader"]         }     ]   } }  // postcss.config.js module.exports = {   plugins: [     require('postcss-custom-properties'),     require('autoprefixer'),     // any other PostCSS plugins   ] } 

The plugin also has an example for programmatic usage (as a separate node script):

// dependencies var fs = require('fs') var postcss = require('postcss') var customProperties = require('postcss-custom-properties')  // css to be processed var css = fs.readFileSync('input.css', 'utf8')  // process css using postcss-custom-properties var output = postcss()   .use(customProperties())   .process(css)   .css 
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kano Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10
