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How to Get Package Name of Source Class File in Android ?

I am using only one project to port lite and full versions for that I am just updating Manifest file package names.

My project structure is like this

My App

and my Manifest package name is different.


I am using one library project in that I want package names of classes that I am using in MyApp.

I have used this

        System.out.println("Package Name " + context.getPackageName());

But its giving me a Manifest file package name value ie. com.example.myapplite

I want MyClass.java package name. ie. com.example.myapp

Also I am aware about this

 MyClass mClass = new MyClass();
 Package pack = mClass.getClass().getPackage();

But I can't use this approach because I am using following approach to get class file in my library project

Class c = Class.forName("package_name.MyClass");

How to get package name of MyClass.java file programmatically?

like image 746
Mac Avatar asked Feb 15 '13 07:02


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1 Answers

The Kotlin solution:

val packageName = this.javaClass.`package`?.name
like image 70
Daniil Chuiko Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09

Daniil Chuiko