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How to get own quote-item-field to order-item?




I want to save custom information in order_item-table. These information where created in cart. So I do it like described in this post.

I have installed the attribute:

$installer->addAttribute('quote_item', 'final_delivery_time', $settings);

$installer->addAttribute('order_item', 'final_delivery_time', $settings);

declare the fieldset in config.xml



and some code in cart for example

$oQuote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
    foreach ( $oQuote->getAllItems() as $_item )
        $orderItemId = $_item->getId();
        $_item->setFinalDeliveryTime('some Value');

so I got a quote and I have my field final_delivery_time with this value in the sales_flat_quote_item table

After I place the order in onepage-review, I should also have this field in the sales_flat_order_item table, but there is nothing. In the column stands null. So I need the value of the field saved in the order.

like image 879
Marco Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 07:07


1 Answers

I found the solution

it's an observer I add the following code




public function setCustomDataOnQuoteItem(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)

    $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
    $orderItem = $observer->getOrderItem();
    foreach ( $quote->getAllVisibleItems() as $_item )
        if ($_item->getSku() == $orderItem->getSku())

so everything is saved in the order

like image 189
Marco Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 22:12
