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Magento refuses to upgrade ===>

This is my first time using Magento. I upgraded this site from to without issue. Now trying to go to it just seems to refuse at every turn. I tried by entering this key into Magento Connect: magento-core/Mage_All_Latest

And it says this: Ignoring installed package magento-core/Mage_All_Latest Nothing to install

I tried to upgrade via SSH and got this: Attempting to discover channel "magento-core"... unknown channel "magento-core" in "magento-core/Mage_All_Latest" invalid package name/package file "magento-core/Mage_All_Latest" Cannot initialize 'magento-core/Mage_All_Latest', invalid or missing package file Package "magento-core/Mage_All_Latest" is not valid install failed

In the downloader I noticed a the downloader had a version upgrade available. I thought maybe I needed the newest downloader before I could update all the packages. I upgraded just the downloader to which worked. Then I tried the full upgrade again and now it is mega retarded with this: Couldn't resolve host 'magento-core'

That’s cute isn't it? So I gave it once last whirl at the ssh console and i get this bad boy: Attempting to discover channel "magento-core"... Attempting fallback to https instead of http on channel "magento-core"... unknown channel "magento-core" in "magento-core/Mage_All_Latest" invalid package name/package file "magento-core/Mage_All_Latest" install failed

I tried a forcing it via SSH but still no love. I reverted from a backup I made so I do not have downloader any more. Now of course I am back to square one with it telling me there is nothing to install when I try to update via MC. When I check in MC if there are any updates available it lists these two: Mage_All_Latest Upgrade to (stable) Metapackage for latest Magento 1.4 release And the Mage Downloader but I already installed these before and it did no good so I restored my backup before the failed update.

I was trying to ask this question Magento's Forums but they are a mess right now. Their captcha fails and threads close on their own so you get little to no help. I wouldn't be surprised if they did this on purpose in concert with their release.

like image 779
Eric Bäcker Avatar asked Feb 15 '11 08:02

Eric Bäcker

1 Answers

Go to the root of your website and execute these commands (Where index.php is):

wget http://www.magentocommerce.com/downloads/assets/

tar -zxvf magento-

Skip the next 4 commands if you have your magento install in a folder called Magento:

cd magento

cp -rf * /home/bitscom/public_html

cd ../

rm -rf magento

rm magento-

For a detailed explanation see my post on the offical magento forum: here My name is Veracious on there.

If your SSH account is anything other than your apache user (i.e.: root. you will get error 500 when trying to access the site do the the permissions on the new files you just extracted. To resolve that use chown and chgrp. For a detailed explanation once again see my post: here

like image 174
Eric Bäcker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Eric Bäcker