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How to get nodes coordinates in graph rendered with graphviz

I'm implementing a stepwise graph transformation algorithm where nodes are removed or added in each step and want to keep a trace of all the intermediate graphs as images files where a node keeps rendered at the same position until removed. This will help make a final animation.

I thought about getting the nodes positions from the initial step as computed by the layout engine and then pass them as a node attribute for next steps.

I'm using the graphviz library, but I could not find any way to get the nodes coordinates (pos attribute) in the rendered graphs. Here is a code excerpt.

    from graphviz import Digraph
    dot = Digraph()
    dot.node('x', label='hello')
    dot.node('y', label='world')
    dot.edge('x', 'y')
    dot.render(filename='hello.gv', view=True, cleanup=False)

I also inspected the dot object, but found nothing. Am I missing some thing? I could not conform whether positions are exported via the API or no. In this case, which different library can help?

like image 252
Brahim Gaabab Avatar asked Jul 31 '19 11:07

Brahim Gaabab

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1 Answers

First of all, you need to pipe and decode your Digraph object to JSON format. Afterwards, you can convert the JSON string to a JSON object and parse it:

# import JSON parser
import json

# decode the Digraph to JSON format
json_string = dot.pipe('json').decode()

# parse the resulting json_string
json_dict = json.loads(json_string)

# now, you have a JSON dictionary that has two relevant keys:
# 'objects' for nodes and 'edges' for, well, edges.
# you can iterate over the nodes and get the (x,y) position for each node as follows:
for obj in json_dict['objects']:
    print(obj['name'], '\t', obj['pos'])

I had to try each format in graphviz.FORMATS to find out the most suitable one.

I know it might be too late, but just in case you or anybody else needs the answer.

like image 188
Rashedkoutayni Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
