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How to get nativeElement from @ViewChild in Ionic 4/Angular7?

I am using Ionic 4's ion-search like so:

            [cancelButtonText]="options.cancelButtonText == null ? defaultOpts.cancelButtonText : options.cancelButtonText"
            [showCancelButton]="options.showCancelButton == null ? defaultOpts.showCancelButton : options.showCancelButton"
            [debounce]="options.debounce == null ? defaultOpts.debounce : options.debounce"
            [placeholder]="options.placeholder == null ? defaultOpts.placeholder : options.placeholder"
            [autocomplete]="options.autocomplete == null ? defaultOpts.autocomplete : options.autocomplete"
            [autocorrect]="options.autocorrect == null ? defaultOpts.autocorrect : options.autocorrect"
            [spellcheck]="options.spellcheck == null ? defaultOpts.spellcheck : options.spellcheck"
            [type]="options.type == null ? defaultOpts.type : options.type"
            [ngClass]="{'hidden': useIonInput}"

On click I run the following from within the component:

@HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
private documentClickHandler(event) {
    if ((this.searchbarElem
            && !this.searchbarElem._elementRef.nativeElement.contains(event.target))
        (!this.inputElem && this.inputElem._elementRef.nativeElement.contains(event.target))
    ) {

However, I am getting the following error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined

I have tried setting timeouts and declaring searchbarElem as ElementRef with no luck.

I know this worked in Angular 2/Ionic 2 but now it is not. Did something change or is the shadow dom affecting thing? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

like image 853
Jeremy Avatar asked Nov 15 '18 16:11


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1 Answers

You should use ViewChild with the read: ElementRef metadata property:

@ViewChild("searchbarElem", { read: ElementRef }) private searchbarElem: ElementRef;

and access the HTMLElement with this.searchbarElem.nativeElement:

@HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
private documentClickHandler(event) {

See this stackblitz for a demo (see the code in the Home page).

like image 65
ConnorsFan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
