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How to get message by id discord.py

I'm wondering how to get a message by its message id. I have tried discord.fetch_message(id) and discord.get_message(id), but both raise:

Command raised an exception: AttributeError: module 'discord' has no attribute 'fetch_message'/'get_message'
like image 533
HoneyPoop Avatar asked May 17 '20 11:05


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1 Answers

When getting a message, you're going to need an abc.Messageable object - essentially an object where you can send a message in, for example a text channel, a DM etc.


async def getmsg(ctx, msgID: int): # yes, you can do msg: discord.Message
                                   # but for the purposes of this, i'm using an int

    msg = await ctx.fetch_message(msgID) # you now have the message object from the id
                                         # ctx.fetch_message gets it from the channel
                                         # the command was executed in


async def getmsg(ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, member: discord.Member):
    msg = discord.utils.get(await channel.history(limit=100).flatten(), author=member)
    # this gets the most recent message from a specified member in the past 100 messages
    # in a certain text channel - just an idea of how to use its versatility


  • abc.Messageable
  • TextChannel.history()
  • TextChannel.fetch_message()
  • Context.fetch_message()
like image 89
Diggy. Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
