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Adding labels at end of line chart in Altair

So I have been trying to get it so there is a label at the end of each line giving the name of the country, then I can remove the legend. Have tried playing with transform_filter but no luck.

I used data from here https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-source-data I cleaned and reshaped the data so it looks like this:-

    index   days    date    country value
0   1219    0   2020-03-26  Australia   11.0
1   1220    1   2020-03-27  Australia   13.0
2   1221    2   2020-03-28  Australia   13.0
3   1222    3   2020-03-29  Australia   14.0
4   1223    4   2020-03-30  Australia   16.0
5   1224    5   2020-03-31  Australia   19.0
6   1225    6   2020-04-01  Australia   20.0
7   1226    7   2020-04-02  Australia   21.0
8   1227    8   2020-04-03  Australia   23.0
9   1228    9   2020-04-04  Australia   30.0
import altair as alt

countries_list = ['Australia', 'China', 'France', 'Germany', 'Iran', 'Italy','Japan', 'South Korea', 'Spain', 'United Kingdom', 'United States']

chart = alt.Chart(data_core_sub).mark_line().encode(
                                            alt.Y('value:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type='log')),
                                            alt.Color('country:N', scale=alt.Scale(domain=countries_list,type='ordinal')),    

labels = alt.Chart(data_core_sub).mark_text().encode(
                                            alt.Y('value:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type='log')),
                                            alt.Color('country:N', legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(domain=countries_list,type='ordinal')), 
                                        ).properties(title='COVID-19 total deaths', width=600)

alt.layer(chart, labels).resolve_scale(color='independent')

This is the current mess that the chart is in.

enter image description here

How would I go about just showing the last 'country' name?


Here is the result. I might look at adjusting some of the countries separately as adjusting as a group means that some of the labels are always badly positioned no matter what I do with the dx and dy alignment.

enter image description here

like image 321
Cam Avatar asked Apr 13 '20 18:04


People also ask

How do you label lines on a graph?

To insert labels next to the lines, you can: Format the data labels so that the label contains the category name. In Microsoft Excel, right-click on the data point on the far right side of the line and select Add Data Label. Then, right-click on that same data point again and select Format Data Label.

How do you put data labels above a bar?

On the Layout tab, in the Labels group, click Data Labels, and then click the option that you want. For additional data label options, click More Data Label Options, click Label Options if it's not selected, and then select the options that you want.

1 Answers

You can do this by aggregating the x and y encodings. You want the text to be at the maximum x value, so you can use a 'max' aggregate in x. For the y-value, you want the y value associated with the max x-value, so you can use an {"argmax": "x"} aggregate.

With a bit of adjustment of text alignment, the result looks like this:

labels = alt.Chart(data_core_sub).mark_text(align='left', dx=3).encode(
    alt.X('days:Q', aggregate='max'),
    alt.Y('value:Q', aggregate={'argmax': 'days'}, scale=alt.Scale(type='log')),
    alt.Color('country:N', legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(domain=countries_list,type='ordinal')), 
).properties(title='COVID-19 total deaths', width=600)
like image 193
jakevdp Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
