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How to get JSON objects value if its name contains dots?

People also ask

Can JSON key contain dot?

It's impossible to use a literal dot in a JSON key with FileMaker's JSON parsing functions.

How can I get the index from a JSON object with value?

To get the index from a JSON object with value with JavaScript, we can use the array findIndex method.

How do I access JSON data?

To access the JSON object in JavaScript, parse it with JSON. parse() , and access it via “.” or “[]”.

Can JSON contain objects?

JSON SyntaxJSON defines only two data structures: objects and arrays. An object is a set of name-value pairs, and an array is a list of values. JSON defines seven value types: string, number, object, array, true, false, and null.

What you want is:

var smth = mydata.list[0]["points.bean.pointsBase"][0].time;

In JavaScript, any field you can access using the . operator, you can access using [] with a string version of the field name.

in javascript, object properties can be accessed with . operator or with associative array indexing using []. ie. object.property is equivalent to object["property"]

this should do the trick

var smth = mydata.list[0]["points.bean.pointsBase"][0].time;

Try ["points.bean.pointsBase"]

If json object key/name contains dot......! like

var myJson = {"my.name":"vikas","my.age":27}

Than you can access like
