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How to get id from String with using Regex





I want to get only number id from string. result : 123456

var text = "http://test/test.aspx?id=123456dfblablalab";


Sorry, Another number can be in the text. I want to get first number after id.

var text = "http://test/test.aspx?id=123456dfbl4564dsf";
like image 896
sinanakyazici Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 14:02


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3 Answers


Regex.Match(text, @"id=(\d+)").Groups[1].Value;
like image 133
Kirill Polishchuk Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Kirill Polishchuk

It depends on the context - in this case it looks like you are parsing a Uri and a query string:

var text = "http://test/test.aspx?id=123456dfblablalab";
Uri tempUri = new Uri(text);
NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(tempUri.Query);
int number = int.Parse(new string(query["id"].TakeWhile(char.IsNumber).ToArray()));
like image 41
BrokenGlass Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10


Someone will give you a C# implementation, but it's along the lines of


Which will match either &id=123456fkhkghkf or ?id=123456fjgjdfgj (so it'll get the value wherever it is in the URL) and capture the number as a match.

like image 33
Joe Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 07:10
