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How to avoid using List<List<T>>?



I have a WCF service that i cannot touch which returns List<FilesWithSettings>. I need to enter few PC which are grouped together and retrieve List<FilesWithSettings> for each one along with PCIdentifier which brings me to Dictionary<PCIdentifier,List<FilesWithSettings>> or List<PCIdentifier> and List<List<FilesWithSettings>> which isn't elegant and unreadable.

Can you give me more elegant solution ?

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eugeneK Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 07:12


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1 Answers

I guess you've got three options:

List<List<T>> // Which is pretty nasty


Dictionary<PCIdentifier, List<T>>

Which better enunciates your intent or even:

class PCResult
    PCIdentifier Identifier { get; set; };
    List<T> Results { get; set; }



Personally I prefer the third, but the second is fine too.

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Jackson Pope Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Jackson Pope