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How to get full CREATE INDEX clause for existing index in pure SQL?



I've wrote a simple script to reindex our PG databases once a week. It has a simple logic:

  • get top 10 indices by amount of bloated bytes
  • lookup create index clause from hashmap variable (index name -> create clause)
    • if there is none - log to stderr and go to next index
  • create new index concurrently
  • drop old index concurrently
  • rename new index

And being proper lazy developer I dislike this concept that I have to constantly update my hashmap. (On the other hand, I have found two inefficient indices while doing that.)

pg_index seems quite informative, is there a way to reconstruct a create index clause from it?

It's easy to get columns list, but we use different index types, different opclasses for fields, partial indices... And who knows what. It's important to be sure that we will get exact the same clause that was used to create index in the first place.

like image 692
skaurus Avatar asked Sep 21 '14 11:09


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1 Answers

Yep, there's a built-in function pg_get_indexdef for the purpose.


regress=> SELECT pg_get_indexdef('demo_pkey'::regclass);
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX demo_pkey ON demo USING btree (id)
(1 row)
like image 87
Craig Ringer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Craig Ringer