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Is it possible, and what is the syntax for a nested hash in Postgresql's HStore type?

I'm not even sure that Postgres' HStore data type can contain nested hashes, and if they can, how to insert them?

Here's what I've tried so far:

-- Database: test1

  WITH OWNER = iainuser
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'
/* create extension hstore; */
/*drop table my_store;*/
create table my_store (
  id serial primary key not null,
  doc hstore

CREATE INDEX my_store_doc_idx_gist
  ON my_store
  USING gist
/* select doc from my_store; */
insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"a" => "1"' );
select doc -> 'a' as first_key from my_store; -- returns "1"

/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => "c" => "3"' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => ("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b" => hstore("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( '"b"' => hstore("c" => "3")' ); -- doesn't work */
/* insert into my_store (doc) values ( "b"=>'"c"=>"3"'::hstore ); -- doesn't work */

If it's not possible, is there a current accepted standard/idiom for working with nested hashes - perhaps pull them apart and refer to them using id's?

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

like image 786
ian Avatar asked Jun 17 '12 17:06


People also ask

What is postgres hstore?

hstore is a PostgreSQL extension that implements the hstore data type. It's a key-value data type for PostgreSQL that's been around since before JSON and JSONB data types were added.

What is Hstore column?

The hstore module is used to implement the hstore data type in the form of key-value pairs for a single value within PostgreSQL. The hstore data type is remarkably effective in many cases, such as, multiple rows with multiple attributes which are rarely queried for or semi-structured data.

2 Answers

From the fine manual:

Keys and values are simply text strings.

So, no, you can't use an hstore as a value in an hstore. If you look at the hstore operators and functions you'll see that they all work with text values.

I don't know of any standard approach to faking nested hashes. I suspect you'd have to structure the keys (a.b => c for a => b => c), then you could so things like this:

select slice(doc, array['a.b', 'a.c'])
from my_store
where doc ?& array['a.b', 'a.c']

to grab the "a" slice of each doc that has the {b => ..., c => ...} "sub-hash".

There's also a JSON type coming up that might be better suited to your needs. But, you'll have to wait for it and I'm not sure what the final implementation will look like.

like image 167
mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

mu is too short

If anyone who sees this happens to be using ActiveRecord, Nested Hstore lets you store nested hashes in an hstore. It serializes the hstore values using JSON and supports a number of other data structures as well.

like image 34
Tom Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
