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How to Get CouchDB Username and Password

Unfortunately I forgot what my username and password is to login to CouchDB.

Here is a similar question.

I have looked within the local.ini file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\CouchDB\etc\couchdb

password = somepassword
username = password

However I am unable to login through lclhst :5984/_utils/index.html login.

I have also tried the config.dat file at /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat

Are there other places where the username or password could be? It seems there is a hierarchy of files that take precedence over each other, though I could not find this in the docs.


like image 667
mibbit Avatar asked Jun 05 '14 07:06


People also ask

How do I log into CouchDB?

CouchDB 3.0. 0 runs by default on port 5984. The default user is admin and the default password is password .

How do I set up CouchDB?

Installing CouchDBRun the setup file and proceed with the installation. After installation, open built-in web interface of CouchDB by visiting the following link: If everything goes fine, this will give you a web page, which have the following output.

1 Answers

Your server credentials are in the local.ini whose full path can be found using couchdb -c, in the [admins] section, but the password is hashed. It looks like this:

username = -pbkdf2-70349775b6e7674de7fd45ff08675550046535c9,f18db0cd9fd933c0c610532e965ef1de,10

If you forgot the password, just replace the hash with your new password and restart CouchDB. It will be rehashed immediately. Example:

username = newPassw0rd
like image 131
Simon Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 19:01
