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event.keyCode not working in Firefox

I'm having a problem with a Login page I'm developing on ASP.net C#. The form works on IE, but not Firefox. Here's my sample:

<%@ Page Language="c#" Inherits="ClubCard.loginClubcard" CodeFile="loginClubcard.aspx.cs" %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > 
            Acceso Clubcard

        <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=0.25)" />
        <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=0.25)" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

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                TOP: 150px

                FONT-SIZE: 10pt;
                COLOR: white;
                FONT-FAMILY: Arial

                FONT-SIZE: 10pt;
                FONT-FAMILY: Arial

            .letrasGris A
                FONT-SIZE: 12px;
                COLOR: #8f8f92;
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                TEXT-DECORATION: none

            .highlightit IMG
                FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100);
                -moz-opacity: 1

            .highlightit:hover IMG
                FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=50);
                -moz-opacity: 0.5

        <script language="javascript">            
            function actLogin()
                __doPostBack('btnLogin', '');

            function actFocus()
                tbxPrincipal = document.getElementById("tbxUsername").focus();

            function ValidarEnter(src)
                if (event.keyCode == "13")

            function AbrirLogin() 
                if (window.frameElement != null) 

        <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
        <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="C#">
        <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
        <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" onload="AbrirLogin();actFocus()">
        <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server" target="_top">
            <table id="Table_01" width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <td style="background: url(images/login/loginBg.gif) repeat-x">

            <div id="centered">
                <div style="left: 50%; margin-left: -100px; position: absolute">
                        <img src="images/login/logoClubCard.gif">

                <div style="margin-left: 100px; width: 200px; position: absolute; top: 240px">
                    <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0">
                            <td align="right" class="letras">

                                <asp:TextBox runat="server" CssClass="cajas" ID="tbxUsername">

                            <td rowspan="3">
                                <a class="highlightit" href="javascript:actLogin()" tabindex="3">
                                    <img border="0" src="images/login/botonLogin.gif">

                            <td align="right" class="letras">

                                <asp:TextBox runat="server" CssClass="cajas" ID="tbxPassword" TextMode="Password" OnKeyPress="ValidarEnter(this)" OnTextChanged="tbxPassword_TextChanged">

                <div style="margin-top: 54px">
                    <img src="images/login/cajaAzul.gif">

                <div style="display: inline; float: left;width:50% " align="center">
                    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvUsername" runat="server" 
                        CssClass="tA" ErrorMessage="* Escriba su USUARIO"


                    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvPassword" runat="server" 
                        CssClass="tA" ErrorMessage="* Escriba su CLAVE"


                    <table >
                        <tr align="center">
                                <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblError" Visible="False">
                                    <font color="red" class="tA">
                                            El USUARIO y CLAVE no coincidieron, trate de nuevo

            <div style="display: none">
                <input type="button" runat="server" id="btnLogin" value="login" onserverclick="btnLogin_ServerClick">

I'm noticing that in this part...

function ValidarEnter(src)
                if (event.keyCode == "13")

When I debug it on firefox, it just skips it. I have already tried to add window.event.keyCode... and also switch "13" with just 13... How could I work this around?

like image 261
Victor Avatar asked Mar 21 '13 18:03


People also ask

What can I use instead of event keyCode?

Definition and Usage. Note: The keyCode property is deprecated. Use the key property instead.

Is event keyCode deprecated?

keyCode. Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes.

What is e keyCode === 13?

Keycode 13 is the Enter key.

What is the difference between keyCode and charCode?

keyCode: Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event. event. charCode: Returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event.

2 Answers

event.keycode was not supported by Firefox. Use event.which for firefox.

function checkKey(evt) {
  var keyID = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : ((evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode);
like image 132
Amit Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


I was working on a project, when I faced the same issue. I did some RND and find out these 2-things;

  1. e.keyCode works fine with onkeydown() function, no matter the browser is Chrome or Firefox.

Here is good practices for both Chrome & Firefox.

// HTML (Note onkeydown() function here)
<input id="anyId" onkeydown="return myFunction(event)" type="text" />

// JavaScript for it
function myFunction(e) {
    var asciiValue = e.keyCode ;
    alert ("ASCII Value: " + asciiValue );   // ASCII of pressed key
    if(asciiValue >0){
       return true;
       return false;
  1. But if we use onkeypress() function in Firefox, then e.keyCode will not work. For this purpose, adopt var asciiValue= e.keyCode || e.charCode.
// HTML (Note onkeypress() function here)
<input id="anyId" onkeypress="return myFunction(event)" type="text" />

// JavaScript for it
function myFunction(e) {
    var asciiValue = e.keyCode || e.charCode ;   // It'll handle both Chrome & Firefox
    alert ("Ascii Value: " + asciiValue);    // ASCII of pressed key
       return true;
       return false;
like image 43
Arsman Ahmad Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Arsman Ahmad