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How to get book cover from ISBN using Google Book API?



People also ask

How do I use Google Books API?

Google will provide you with your own, unique API key. To use the API in your project, simply append key=yourAPIKey to your HTTP request URL in your application as a query string parameter.

Which term is used to represent a book in Google Books API?

The Books API operates on two types of resources, based on the concepts described above: Volume resource: Represents a volume. Bookshelf resource: Represents a single bookshelf for a particular user.

Is there a book API?

Using the Google Books API, your application can perform full-text searches and retrieve book information, viewability and eBook availability. You can also manage your personal bookshelves.

You can use the isbn: query, like this:


This will return a proper JSON response containing either the book information or an error description if the ISBN is not found.