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Is there a way to export notes taken in Google Play books?



I have taken a series of notes in a book that I read on Google Play books. Is there a way to export these notes all together as a text document or some similar format?

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fraxture Avatar asked Aug 08 '14 18:08


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Go to play.google.com. At the top right, click your profile icon. Books. Download EPUB or Download PDF.

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OCR App (for Android/iOS) You just need to take a screenshot of the text that you want to copy from Google play books, upload the screenshot to the OCR app, and then extract the text from the image.

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Save books to an SD cardAt the top right, tap your profile picture or initials. Turn on Download new books to SD card.

2 Answers

Google has changed this and now if you have Android device you can get your notes on Google Drive. Simply do this:

  1. Open Play Books on your Android device
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Save notes, highlights and bookmarks in Google Drive - turn this ON

This feature is still not perfect. The biggest problem I have is that page number is not recorded properly for most books. Instead, you just have link that opens the page in Google Play Books. Meaning, it'll probably work for you personally, but sharing notes and making sense of notes on different devices is problematic.

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nikib3ro Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11


It isn't perfect but here is one way to do it. After doing this you will receive a zip file with your book(s) and an HTML (or JSON) file with your notes.

Follow this link to the Google Data Tools https://www.google.com/settings/takeout/downloads

Click the Create New Archive button

Click the Select None button


Go down to Google Play Books and flick the switch on


Hit the down arrow


Either download all or click on the Select Books radio (a popup will appear where you can select none again and search at the top)
After you have chosen your books, go to Next at the bottom
Pick your export options and you're good to go.


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mraaroncruz Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11
