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How to get an array of maximum values between two arrays



I'm looking for an elegant way of getting an array containing the maximum values between two arrays.

Meaning if there are two arrays:

a = [1, 5, 9]
b = [3, 2, 11]

The result should be:

=> [3, 5, 11]

Assume both arrays are of the same size.

The code I use doesn't feel like a Ruby way to do that task:

c = Array.new(a.size)
for i in 0...a.size
  c[i] = [a[i], b[i]].max
like image 576
miluz Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 14:09


1 Answers

This should work:

[a, b].transpose.map(&:max)
#=> [3, 5, 11]

transpose returns [[1, 3], [5, 2], [9, 11]] and map(&:max) finds each sub array's maximum.

a.zip(b) (as suggested by Abe Voelker) is equivalent to [a, b].transpose if both arrays have the same number of elements. If element size differs, transpose would raise an exception:

#=> [[1,2]]

[[1], [2,3]].transpose
#=> IndexError: element size differs


require 'benchmark'

a = (1..1000).to_a
b = a.reverse

n = 1000
Benchmark.bm(10) do |x|
  x.report("transpose")  { n.times { [a,b].transpose.map(&:max) } }
  x.report("zip")        { n.times { a.zip(b).map(&:max) } }
  x.report("lazy.zip")   { n.times { a.lazy.zip(b).map(&:max).to_a } }
  x.report("loop (max)") { n.times { a.size.times.map{|i| [a[i],b[i]].max} } }
  x.report("loop (>?:)") { n.times { a.size.times.map{|i| a[i]>b[i] ? a[i] : b[i] } } }


                 user     system      total        real
transpose    0.430000   0.000000   0.430000 (  0.428760)
zip          0.420000   0.000000   0.420000 (  0.415070)
lazy.zip     1.010000   0.000000   1.010000 (  1.009173)
loop (max)   0.490000   0.000000   0.490000 (  0.489015)
loop (>?:)   0.150000   0.000000   0.150000 (  0.151461)
like image 52
Stefan Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
