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How to get all values of an object in ActiveRecord in Rails?

One can use column_names to get all the columns of a table, but what if one would like to know all the values of a particular instance in ActiveRecord.

For example,

=> ["id", "email", "encrypted_password", "reset_password_token", "reset_password_sent_at", "remember_created_at", "sign_in_count", "current_sign_in_at", "last_sign_in_at", "current_sign_in_ip", "last_sign_in_ip", "tel", "interests", "admin_status", "created_at", "updated_at", "city_id", "profile_image_file_name", "profile_image_content_type", "profile_image_file_size", "profile_image_updated_at"]

=> #<User id: 1, email: "[email protected]", tel: "+923223333333", interests: "Hi, I'm interested in coding.", admin_status: "download", created_at: "2016-08-16 22:38:05", updated_at: "2016-08-16 22:38:05", city_id: 2, profile_image_file_name: "Screen_Shot_2016-07-02_at_4.41.32_PM.png", profile_image_content_type: "image/png", profile_image_file_size: 324372, profile_image_updated_at: "2016-08-16 22:38:04">

When first method is called, it returns key-value pairs. What I want is to have only values, is there a single method in ActiveRecord that can do this for us?

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Arslan Ali Avatar asked Aug 17 '16 05:08

Arslan Ali

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2 Answers

I'm extending @deepak's answer to assure that the order remains same as it is for column_names, and this is how, I achieved it:

User.first.attributes.values_at *User.column_names

To get just the values, irrespective of the order:

like image 75
Arslan Ali Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Arslan Ali

You can also use attributes method to get it

  1. User.first.attributes will return you hash representation of user object

      "id" => 1,
      "email" => "[email protected]",
      "tel" => "+923223333333",
      "interests" => "Hi, I'm interested in coding.",
      "admin_status" => "download",
      "created_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:05",
      "updated_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:05",
      "city_id" => 2,
      "profile_image_file_name" => "Screen_Shot_2016-07-02_at_4.41.32_PM.png",
      "profile_image_content_type" => "image/png",
      "profile_image_file_size" => 324372,
      "profile_image_updated_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:04"
  2. values will return you the values in the Array

    [1, "[email protected]", "+923223333333", "Hi, I'm interested in coding.", "download", "2016-08-16 22:38:05", "2016-08-16 22:38:05", 2, "Screen_Shot_2016-07-02_at_4.41.32_PM.png", "image/png", 324372, "2016-08-16 22:38:04"]
like image 27
Deepak Mahakale Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Deepak Mahakale