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How to get all definitions in an ApplicationDomain of a loaded SWF?

When you load a SWF into another, the loader SWF can get specific definitions from the loaded SWF using ApplicationDomain.getDefinition(name:String). For example:

    // ... imports

    public class SWFLoader extends Sprite
        private var loadedAppDomain:ApplicationDomain;

        public function SWFLoader()
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.swf");
            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTestLoadComplete);

        private function onTestLoadComplete(event:Event):void
            var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(event.target);
            loadedAppDomain = loaderInfo.applicationDomain;

            // Here we can get ANY defined symbol (class, namespace or function according to Adobe Flash help)
            var someSymbolClass:Class = Class(loadedAppDomain.getDefinition("SomeSymbol"));
            var someSymbolSprite:Sprite = Sprite(new someSymbolClass());


How can I get all of the definitions in a SWF, without specifying each explicitly?

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Lucas Gabriel Sánchez Avatar asked Nov 10 '10 12:11

Lucas Gabriel Sánchez

2 Answers

As of Flash Player 11.3, you can use ApplicationDomain.getQualifiedDefinitionNames().

See the official documentation for the method and this blog post about the Flash Player release.

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Mark Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09


EDIT: This is the quickest solution to your problem : http://www.bytearray.org/?p=175

Hi, you could use this library : https://github.com/claus/as3swf/wiki/ Don't have the time to do deeper test, but here is what i found :

1 - I have created a .swf containing in the library 2 exported MC, $Test and $Test2 2 - Once the .swf loaded by a Loader, i run this code :

var swf : SWF = new SWF(loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytes);

3 - In the output you'll notice theses lines :

    [0] TagID: 2, Name: $Test2
    [1] TagID: 1, Name: $Test

I think that there is a way to obtain this info directly thru the library API

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OXMO456 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09