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How to get a zero-based count in a Velocity foreach loop

I am trying to get a zero-based counter in a Velocity #foreach directive.

if i use:

#foreach ($item in $list)
   item.getName() : $velocityCount

i will get:

Fred : 1
Wilma : 2
Barney : 3

But i need:

Fred : 0
Wilma : 1
Barney : 2

The solution must be as simple as possible from the velocity template's point of view.

I can use:

#foreach ($item in $list)
   #set( $num = $velocityCount - 1 ) //The white space in mandatory
   item.getName() : $num

and it works. But I'm looking for a more elegant solution.

I need the one-based counter to be available too. That is, in the same template i will most likely have one #foreach directive that will require a zero-based counter and another #foreach directive that requires a one-base counter.

like image 919
summerbulb Avatar asked Oct 21 '11 09:10


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2 Answers

If you are using Velocity 1.7 there are $foreach.index (0-based) and $foreach.count (1-based) special vars available inside loops.

$velocityCount is something that was deprecated long time ago afaik.

like image 142
serg Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


#set($i = 0)

  #foreach($str in $names)
    #set($i = $i+1)
    $i : $str
like image 23
Dhiral Pandya Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Dhiral Pandya