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How to get a specific embedded document inside a MongoDB collection? [duplicate]



I have a collection Notebook which has embedded array document called Notes. The sample

document looks like as shown below.

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f7ee46e08403d063ab0b4f9"), "name" : "MongoDB", "notes" : [             {               "title" : "Hello MongoDB",               "content" : "Hello MongoDB"             },             {               "title" : "ReplicaSet MongoDB",               "content" : "ReplicaSet MongoDB"             }          ] } 

I want to find out only note which has title "Hello MongoDB". I am not getting what should

be the query. Can anyone help me.

like image 264
Shekhar Avatar asked Apr 06 '12 13:04


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1 Answers

You can do this with mongo version higher 2.2

the query like this:

db.coll.find({ 'notes.title': 'Hello MongoDB' }, {'notes.$': 1}); 

you can try with $elemMatch like Justin Jenkins

like image 164
kop Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 23:10
