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How to use aggregrate in mongodb to $match _id




{     "_id" : ObjectId("560c24b853b558856ef193a3"),     "name" : "Karl Morrison",     "pic" : "",     "language" : ObjectId("560c24b853b558856ef193a2"),     "cell" : 1,     "local" : {         "email" : "[email protected]",         "password" : "12345"     },     "sessions" : [         {             "id" : ObjectId("560c24b853b558856ef193a5")         }     ] } 

This works:

yield new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {                 users.col.aggregate([                         {                             $match: {                                 'name': 'Karl Morrison'                             }                         }                     ],                     function (err, res) {                         console.log('err ' + err);                         console.log('res ' + JSON.stringify(res)); // <-- echos the object retrieved                         if (err === null)                             resolve(res);                         reject(err);                     });             }); 

This does not work:

yield new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {                 users.col.aggregate([                         {                             $match: {                                 '_id': '560c24b853b558856ef193a3' // <-- _id of the user                             }                         }                     ],                     function (err, res) {                         console.log('err ' + err);                         console.log('res ' + JSON.stringify(res));                         if (err === null)                             resolve(res);                         reject(err);                     });             }); 

The .col access the native mongodb object (using co-monk otherwise). So I'm doing it manually. This however isn't working. I suspect I am not casting the id hexstring to an ObjectId. No matter what I try nothing works.

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basickarl Avatar asked Sep 30 '15 23:09


People also ask

Can we set _ID in MongoDB?

_id field is reserved for primary key in mongodb, and that should be a unique value. If you don't set anything to _id it will automatically fill it with "MongoDB Id Object". But you can put any unique info into that field.

What can the $match aggregation stage be used for?

The $match stage of the pipeline can be used to filter documents so that only ones meeting certain criteria move on to the next stage. In this article, we'll discuss the $match stage in more detail and provide examples that illustrate how to perform match aggregation in MongoDB.

What does $match do in MongoDB?

The MongoDB $match operator filters the documents to pass only those documents that match the specified condition(s) to the next pipeline stage.

How does aggregate work in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, aggregation operations process the data records/documents and return computed results. It collects values from various documents and groups them together and then performs different types of operations on that grouped data like sum, average, minimum, maximum, etc to return a computed result.

2 Answers

const ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId; const User = mongoose.model('User')  User.aggregate([   {     $match: { _id: ObjectId('560c24b853b558856ef193a3') }   } ]) 
like image 168
Rafael Eyng Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Rafael Eyng

Try this

const User = require('User') const mongoose = require("mongoose");   User.aggregate([   {     $match: { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId('560c24b853b558856ef193a3') }   } ]) 
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Ankit Kumar Rajpoot Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09

Ankit Kumar Rajpoot