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How to get a picture of a place from google maps or places API

I'm using Google Places API to retrieve data about places, but couldn't find how to get a picture of that place, Google Places API just provides icon which is not the same. I need the photo you get when you search for a place in Google Maps in a web browser for example. There is usually more pictures from Panoramio, but Panoramio API can only search for pictures by location and not by a particular restaurant or hotel name for example. Any ideas?

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user975869 Avatar asked Dec 11 '11 06:12


People also ask

How do I get data from Google Maps places API?

Go to APIs & Services → Dashboard → Enable APIs & Services at the top and Choose Maps JavaScrip API from the API Library. This will open up the Map JavaScript API page, and Enable it.

How do I make an image from Google Maps?

Save the map as a JPG by clicking "File," then "Save As" in the Snipping Tool window. Click the box next to "Save As Type," then click "JPEG File (*. JPG)." Type a name for the JPG file into the File Name box, then click "Save."

Can you take images from Google Maps?

Note that we cannot provide high-resolution or vector screen captures of Google Maps; however, you may use Google Earth Pro or Earth Studio on desktop to save and print high-resolution JPEGs. Images can be exported up to 4K.

3 Answers

The Places API just added the ability to request photos directly in the API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/places#places_photos

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Dylan Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10


The Places API will give you the coordinates (latitude and longitude) in the place detail response; you can then send the coordinates to the Panoramio API.

For example (drawing from examples in the API docs):

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?reference=<big long key for place>&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyAiFpFd85eMtfbvmVNEYuNds5TEF9FjIPI


  "html_attributions" : [],
  "result" : {
    "address_components" : [
        "long_name" : "48",
        "short_name" : "48",
        "types" : [ "street_number" ]
        "long_name" : "Pirrama Road",
        "short_name" : "Pirrama Road",
        "types" : [ "route" ]
        "long_name" : "Pyrmont",
        "short_name" : "Pyrmont",
        "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
        "long_name" : "NSW",
        "short_name" : "NSW",
        "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
        "long_name" : "AU",
        "short_name" : "AU",
        "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
        "long_name" : "2009",
        "short_name" : "2009",
        "types" : [ "postal_code" ]
    "formatted_address" : "5/48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW, Australia",
    "formatted_phone_number" : "(02) 9374 4000",
    "geometry" : {
      "location" : {
        "lat" : -33.8669710,
        "lng" : 151.1958750
    "icon" : "http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/generic_business-71.png",
    "id" : "4f89212bf76dde31f092cfc14d7506555d85b5c7",
    "international_phone_number" : "+61 2 9374 4000",
    "name" : "Google Sydney",
    "rating" : 4.60,
    "reference" : "CnRlAAAAAfV6JIqSzL8Cf4VnXn0EaI1d5k3IPhdkEonq0MxiUbQFFSVuptVbXbNH4mrevb0bc7G8yWqTUv76i4KTuO_Wf3OrRHjCJJwzQ0mNLjbYGSVqy2eqyrgOUkl6S_sJfTbHzWZYrfPy7KZaet0mM5S6thIQJYuy5v_JD--ZxXEJLWTQRRoU5UaciXBBo89K-bce18Ii9RsEIws",
    "types" : [ "store", "establishment" ],
    "url" : "http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=10281119596374313554",
    "vicinity" : "5/48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont",
    "website" : "http://www.google.com.au/"
  "status" : "OK"

We can see that the coordinates are "location" : { "lat" : -33.8669710, "lng" : 151.1958750 }

Then we can send a request to Panoramio, inserting the coordinates, plus a little wiggle room on either side (I did +/- 0.002 degrees, a shape 200 m x 200 m square at the equator, generally smaller). http://www.panoramio.com/map/get_panoramas.php?set=public&from=0&to=20&minx=-33.868&miny=151.193&maxx=-33.864&maxy=151.197&size=medium&mapfilter=true

You may need to do some filtering of the responses to get the closest photo, but this should give you something to work with.

like image 20
Avram Lyon Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Avram Lyon

The Places API now supports the return of one place photo if available for a Place Search request and up to ten place photos for a Place Details request.

If a photos array is returned with your request, you can pass the photo_reference from a contained photo object to a Place Photo request with the maxheight and/or maxwidth, sensor and key parameters:


Please see the documentation for more details.

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Chris Green Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10

Chris Green