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How to get a list of users for all instance's databases

I guess the procedure should be something like this:

declare @db varchar(100)
declare @user varchar(100)
declare c cursor for select name from sys.sysdatabases        

open c

fetch next from c into @db

while @@fetch_status = 0
    print @db   
    exec ('use ' + @db)

    declare u cursor for select name from sys.sysusers
        where issqlrole <> 1 and hasdbaccess <> 0 and isntname <> 1

    open u   

    fetch next from u into @user

    while @@fetch_status = 0
        print @user
        fetch next from u into @user

    print '--------------------------------------------------'
    close u     
    deallocate u    
    fetch next from c into @db

close c
deallocate c

But the problem is that exec ('use ' + @db) doesn't work. And i always get user list of currently chosen database. How should i fix that?

P.S.: I want this code to work on both 2000 and 2005 sql servers.

like image 888
stee1rat Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 06:03


1 Answers

You could also use the undocumented but well used sp_MSforeachdb stored proc - see here for details or see another blog post here:

exec sp_MSforeachdb 'select * from ?.sys.sysusers'

The "?" is the placeholder for the database name that will be added to the command, as it gets executed against each database in your system.

like image 85
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
