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How to get a copy of data instead of a reference using linq/lambda in c#?





Is there an easy way to basically just get a copy of the data instead of a reference using this method? I tried .ToArray().Where() but that still seems to pass a reference.


static void Main(string[] args)
    List<ob> t = new List<ob>();
    t.Add(new ob() { name = "hello" });
    t.Add(new ob() { name = "test" });

    ob item = t.Where(c => c.name == "hello").First();

    // Changing the name of the item changes the original item in the list<>
    item.name = "burp";

    foreach (ob i in t)


public class ob
    public string name;
like image 333
Josh Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 09:01


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1 Answers

You need to create a copy of your ob yourself - it's not something LINQ provides.

like image 153
Tim Rogers Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Tim Rogers