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Create notepad++ plugin in c#




Is it possible to create notepad++ plug in C#?

I saw some tutorials but all I found is how to write plugins in C++.

Is there any way to do it in c# and where can I find tutorial which explains how to do it?

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MoShe Avatar asked Nov 29 '11 15:11


People also ask

Can I use Notepad ++ for C?

To write the source code of your first C program you need to open the Notepad++ text editor. The quickest way to do that in Windows 10 is to hit your Win key, type Notepad++ in the search window, and hit Enter. and paste it into the editor. Yes, this is your first C program!

How do I enable plugins in Notepad ++?

Open Notepad++ and go to Plugins>Plugins Admin to open the Plugins Admin. Go through the list of available plugins, select the one you want to install, and click the Install button at the top right.

1 Answers

Checkout NppPlugin.Net

I haven't used it but it claims to include both the project template as well as a sample plug-in.

like image 127
jtm001 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
