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How to get a 16bit Unsigned integer in python

I currently read off pixels from an image using python PIL. These pixels are 16bit greyscale and are unsigned. However, whenever PIL reads them in it thinks they are signed and makes values that should be something like 45179 into -20357.

org_Image = Image.open(image)
org_Data = org_Image.load()
width, height = org_Image.size

    for y in range(0, height):
        temprow_data = []
        for x in range(0, width):
             temprow_data.append(org_Data[x, y])

How do I go about getting PIL to output unsigned instead of signed integers? Or is there a really easy way of taking the PIL input and converting it after?

like image 867
Marmstrong Avatar asked Oct 23 '13 16:10


2 Answers

Here is a solution with structs since I do not know how python represents negative numbers binarily.

import struct
struct.unpack('H', struct.pack('h', number))

It packs it as a short (2 bytes) and unpacks it as an unsigned short.

like image 143
User Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09


>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.array([-20357],dtype="uint16")
array([45179], dtype=uint16)

in your case when you are done looping over everything and you have it in a list

just call np.array(my_list,dtype="uint16")

like image 39
Joran Beasley Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Joran Beasley