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How to generate service reference with only physical wsdl file

This may be the easiest method

  • Right click on the project and select "Add Service Reference..."
  • In the Address: box, enter the physical path (C:\test\project....) of the downloaded/Modified wsdl.
  • Hit Go

There are two ways to go about this. You can either use the IDE to generate a WSDL, or you can do it via the command line.

1. To create it via the IDE:

In the solution explorer pane, right click on the project that you would like to add the Service to:

enter image description here

Then, you can enter the path to your service WSDL and hit go:

enter image description here

2. To create it via the command line:

Open a VS 2010 Command Prompt (Programs -> Visual Studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools)
Then execute:

WSDL /verbose C:\path\to\wsdl

WSDL.exe will then output a .cs file for your consumption.

If you have other dependencies that you received with the file, such as xsd's, add those to the argument list:

WSDL /verbose C:\path\to\wsdl C:\path\to\some\xsd C:\path\to\some\xsd

If you need VB output, use /language:VB in addition to the /verbose.