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how to generate Release build for IOS..?

Android Release Build Successfully Done from My Side, But I Don't Know About how to generate build for IOS

Android gradlew assembleRelease is sucessfully done from my side

IOS Release Build and submit on App store.

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Avishkar Patil Avatar asked Sep 11 '19 09:09

Avishkar Patil

People also ask

What is difference between Debug and release build iOS?

By default, Debug build configuration is used for development(run apps on Simulator or real devices by hitting run button on Xcode); Release build configuration is used for archiving(upload build to App Store Connect). Please do NOT forget, you can set whatever build configuration for development or archiving.

1 Answers

Please follow the below URL and let me know if any issue.

1) Create required IOS certificates from here: https://apiko.com/blog/deploying-react-native-apps-to-app-store-and-play-market/

2) Create release build with following steps:

  1. Go to edit schema and change debug to release and uncheck all the checked for debug
  2. Clean the build folder.
  3. Run below command for create a bundle "

react-native bundle --entry-file index.js --platform ios --dev false --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios
  4. Go to xcode >> General please make sure you have selected same profile in signing(Release).
  5. Select "Generic IOS device" and from top header click on Product >> Archive.
  6. When you successfully build you need to next and on the next step you need to select your provisional profile and certificate.
  7. On the last step you will see an option to export the build please select "export" and save your build on the local machine.
  8. Now search for application loader from the mac and choose your release build once you complete all the steps.
  9. Check at 
below app store URL https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/ng/app

After 5-15 min you'll have an option on app store Build section with the plus(+) icon. Click on it and select your build, complete the form and submit your app.

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Rahul Mishra Avatar answered Jan 20 '23 13:01

Rahul Mishra