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How to generate a dynamic GRF image to ZPL ZEBRA print

I have a problem.

I´m generating a dynamic BMP image and trying to send this to a ZEBRA printer by ZPL commands. I need to convert my BMP to a GRF image. I think that my Hexadecimal extracted by the BMP image isn´t correct.

The printed image is blurred and incorrect.

This is my code:

string bitmapFilePath = @oldArquivo;  // file is attached to this support article
byte[] bitmapFileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(bitmapFilePath);
int fileSize = bitmapFileData.Length;

Bitmap ImgTemp = new Bitmap(bitmapFilePath);
Size ImgSize = ImgTemp.Size;

// The following is known about test.bmp.  It is up to the developer
// to determine this information for bitmaps besides the given test.bmp.            
int width = ImgSize.Width;
int height = ImgSize.Height;
int bitmapDataOffset = 62; // 62 = header of the image
int bitmapDataLength = fileSize - 62;// 8160;    

double widthInBytes = Math.Ceiling(width / 8.0);    

// Copy over the actual bitmap data from the bitmap file.
// This represents the bitmap data without the header information.
byte[] bitmap = new byte[bitmapDataLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(bitmapFileData, bitmapDataOffset, bitmap, 0, (bitmapDataLength));

// Invert bitmap colors
for (int i = 0; i < bitmapDataLength; i++)
    bitmap[i] ^= 0xFF;

// Create ASCII ZPL string of hexadecimal bitmap data
string ZPLImageDataString = BitConverter.ToString(bitmap).Replace("-", string.Empty);

string comandoCompleto = "~DG" + nomeImagem + ".GRF,0" + bitmapDataLength.ToString() + ",0" + widthInBytes.ToString() + "," + ZPLImageDataString;
like image 507
lucasrhuan Avatar asked Dec 27 '12 12:12


People also ask

How do I add an image to ZPL?

If that's the case, the easiest solution is probably to go to the Labelary online ZPL viewer, paste your ZPL into the viewer, click "Add image", and upload the image that you want to add to the ZPL. This should modify your ZPL by adding the image ZPL commands that you need, and you can then tweak the position, etc.

What printers are compatible with ZPL?

ZPL compatible Zebra Printers. Excluding the non-ZPL language printers: 2824 Series, 2844 Series, S4M (E53 Firmware Version), ZM Series (E53 Firmware), 888 DD/TT Series, MZ Series, ZQ110, EM220, EM220II, All Kiosk (except KR403).

2 Answers

Try the following code. Not tested!

public static string CreateGRF(string filename, string imagename)
    Bitmap bmp = null;
    BitmapData imgData = null;
    byte[] pixels;
    int x, y, width;
    StringBuilder sb;
    IntPtr ptr;

        bmp = new Bitmap(filename);
        imgData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
        width = (bmp.Width + 7) / 8;
        pixels = new byte[width];
        sb = new StringBuilder(width * bmp.Height * 2);
        ptr = imgData.Scan0;
        for (y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, pixels, 0, width);
            for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", (byte)~pixels[x]);
            ptr = (IntPtr)(ptr.ToInt64() + imgData.Stride);
        if (bmp != null)
            if (imgData != null) bmp.UnlockBits(imgData);
    return String.Format("~DG{0}.GRF,{1},{2},", imagename, width * y, width) + sb.ToString();
like image 56
Jigsore Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11


One thing to point out is that the bitmap being converted must be monochrome (that is, 1 bit per pixel). There is an example on Zebra's knowledgebase that demonstrates printing a simple monochrome image in ZPL: https://km.zebra.com/kb/index?page=answeropen&type=open&searchid=1356730396931&answerid=16777216&iqaction=5&url=https%3A%2F%2Fkm.zebra.com%2Fkb%2Findex%3Fpage%3Dcontent%26id%3DSA304%26actp%3Dsearch%26viewlocale%3Den_US&highlightinfo=4194550,131,153#. If you can convert your images into monochrome bitmaps, then you should be able to follow that example.

// Given a monochrome bitmap file, one can read
// information about that bitmap from the header
// information in the file.  This information includes
// bitmap height, width, bitsPerPixel, etc.  It is required
// that a developer understands the basic bitmap format and
// how to extract the following data in order to proceed.
// A simple search online for 'bitmap format' should yield
// all the needed information.  Here, for our example, we simply
// declare what the bitmap information is, since we are working
// with a known sample file.

string bitmapFilePath = @"test.bmp";  // file is attached to this support article
byte[] bitmapFileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(bitmapFilePath);
int fileSize = bitmapFileData.Length;

// The following is known about test.bmp.  It is up to the developer
// to determine this information for bitmaps besides the given test.bmp.
int bitmapDataOffset = 62;
int width = 255;
int height = 255;
int bitsPerPixel = 1; // Monochrome image required!
int bitmapDataLength = 8160;
double widthInBytes = Math.Ceiling(width / 8.0);

// Copy over the actual bitmap data from the bitmap file.
// This represents the bitmap data without the header information.
byte[] bitmap = new byte[bitmapDataLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(bitmapFileData, bitmapDataOffset, bitmap, 0, bitmapDataLength);

// Invert bitmap colors
for (int i = 0; i < bitmapDataLength; i++)
    bitmap[i] ^= 0xFF;

// Create ASCII ZPL string of hexadecimal bitmap data
string ZPLImageDataString = BitConverter.ToString(bitmap);
ZPLImageDataString = ZPLImageDataString.Replace("-", string.Empty);

// Create ZPL command to print image
string[] ZPLCommand = new string[4];

ZPLCommand[0] = "^XA";
ZPLCommand[1] = "^FO20,20";
ZPLCommand[2] =
    "^GFA, " +
    bitmapDataLength.ToString() + "," +
    bitmapDataLength.ToString() + "," +
    widthInBytes.ToString() + "," +

ZPLCommand[3] = "^XZ";

// Connect to printer
string ipAddress = "";
int port = 9100;
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client =
    new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(ipAddress, port);
System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();

// Send command strings to printer
foreach (string commandLine in ZPLCommand)
    stream.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(commandLine), 0, commandLine.Length);

// Close connections
like image 31
jason.zissman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
