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How to format java string to SQL syntax? [duplicate]

I've searched the site but haven't found exactly what I need. I have an SQL statement

String unformattedSQL = "select id, name, address, zip    from   schema123.person  where name like '%stu%'";

I'm looking for a method like formatSQL(sqlString) that gives me the formatted version of my original SQL statement, such that

String formattedSQL = formatSQL(unformatted);

will give me the following text (with correct indentation)

SELECT id, name, 
       address, zip 
FROM schema123.person 
WHERE name LIKE '%stu%'

The original SQL statement is actually very long and is dynamically generated by another method (I cannot change this method), so there's no way I can put the SQL in an external file. After the SQL is executed, I need to put it in a log file. I want the SQL statement to be formatted in the log file.

What is the best way to do this? And to generalize the problem, how to do this for another syntax like XML, C#, etc. Maybe something similar to Google Code Prettify but for Java ...

like image 379
stupid Avatar asked May 21 '14 11:05


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1 Answers

You can go for the SQLFormatter provided by apache openJPA project

like image 88
Sanjeev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
