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How to force Task.Factory.StartNew to a background thread?

I have seen numerous other questions similar to this but did not find my answer there.

My problem was that I was creating threads with the following flow:

private void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        (count, ex) =>
            if (ex != null)

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                service.Get(onItemReceived, i);

public void GetCount(Action<int, Exception> callback)
    var callingThread = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

    Func<int> action = () =>
        return client.GetCount(); // Synchronous method, could take a long time

    Action<Task<int>> completeAction = (task) =>
        Exception ex = (task.Exception != null) ? task.Exception.InnerException : task.Exception;

        if (callback != null)
            callback(task.Result, ex);

    Task.Factory.StartNew(action).ContinueWith(completeAction, callingThread);

public void Get(Action<object, Exception> callback, int index)
    var callingThread = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

    Func<object> action = () =>
        return client.Get(index); // Synchronous method, could take a long time

    Action<Task<object>> completeAction = (task) =>
        Exception ex = (task.Exception != null) ? task.Exception.InnerException : task.Exception;

        if (callback != null)
            callback(task.Result, ex);

    Task.Factory.StartNew(action).ContinueWith(completeAction, callingThread);

In this way, each of my service's asynchronous methods would callback the thread they were originally called on (generally the UI thread). So I am simulating how the await/async keywords work (I cannot use .NET 4.5).

The problem with this pattern is that I get inexplicably locked to the UI thread after the first call to "ContinueWith". So in this case if I attempt to spawn 5 threads to each process a synchronous function Get, they will execute 1 by 1 instead of in parallel and they will block the UI thread while doing so, even if I try specifying TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning.

This never happens with my first call to Task.Factory.StartNew, it only happens to subsequent calls from within the first callback.

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Trevor Elliott Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 19:04

Trevor Elliott

1 Answers

In order to force the launch of a new thread, you should specify TaskScheduler.Default in the call to Task.Factory.StartNew as follows:


In my testing you do not need to specify TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning in order to force a background thread, though it shouldn't hurt.

like image 179
Trevor Elliott Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Trevor Elliott