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How to force Qt Creator to use MinGW instead of Visual Studio

We're trying to compile a project with MinGW on the machine that has both MinGW (with Qt) and Visual Studio installed. Unfortunately, Qt creator prefers MSVS by default, and doesn't see it's very own MinGW (screenshot). Sadly, this results in a lot of obscure errors, because application was written and debugged with MinGW. Is there way to make Qt Creator to use MinGW without killing MSVS?

like image 533
cuhuak Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 08:02


1 Answers

While installing, choose custom type of installation. Selected libraries for needed compilers in QtSDK->Development Tools->Desktop Qt->Qt-. Screenshot:

enter image description here

like image 158
Andrey Shitov Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 00:03

Andrey Shitov