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How to fix "Must declare the scalar variable" error when referencing table variable?

I can't figure out why (or maybe you just can't do this) I get the out of scope error

Must declare the scalar variable "@CompanyGroupSites_Master.

So is it that I cannot access my Table variable this way inside my Cursor, or I must have missed something simple that's keeping that table variable out of scope when referencing from within the cursor body?

DECLARE @TotalCompaniesToProcess int 
SET @TotalCompaniesToProcess = (select distinct Count(BusinessLine) from vwBuisinessUnit)

IF(@TotalCompaniesToProcess > 0)

    ---------------- ############# SETUP ############# ----------------

    DECLARE @Companies TABLE (Company varchar(30))        
    Insert Into @Companies select distinct Company from Companies

    DECLARE @CompanyGroups_Added TABLE(
                                        CompanyGroupDesc varchar(50),
                                        size varchar(50)

    DECLARE @CompanyGroupSites_Added TABLE (
                                              CompanyGroupID int,
                                              CompanyID varchar(12)                                    

    DECLARE @CompanyGroupSites_Master TABLE (
                                              CompanyGroupID int,
                                              CompanyID varchar(12)
    Insert into @CompanyGroupSites_Master select CompanyGroupID, CompanyID from Sec.CompanyGroupSites                        

    DECLARE @CompanyGroupID int                         
    DECLARE @Company int

    ----------------  END SETUP ----------------

    ---------------- UPDATE THE COMPANIES ----------------

    DECLARE Companies_Cursor CURSOR FOR (select distinct BusinessLine from vwBuisinessUnit)  
    --select distinct BU, BusinessLine from vwBusinessUnit

    Open Companies_Cursor

    Fetch NEXT FROM Companies_Cursor into @Company


        -- is there an existing CompanyGroup for this Organization?  If not create it
        SET @CompanyGroupID = ( select CompanyGroupID from Sec.CompanyGroup 
                                where size = 'Business'
                                and CompanyGroupDesc = @Company)

        IF(@CompanyGroupID < 1) 
            INSERT INTO @CompanyGroups_Added ([CompanyGroupDesc], [Size])
            VALUES (@Company, 'Business')

            SET @CompanyGroupID = @@IDENTITY

            select @CompanyGroupID as CompanyGroupID_Added -- testing

        Select ToDelete.* from (
            select CompanyGroupID, Company 
            from @CompanyGroupSites_Master 
            where @CompanyGroupSites_Master.CompanyGroupID = @CompanyGroupID) as ToDelete

        delete from @CompanyGroupSites_Master where @CompanyGroupSites_Master.CompanyGroupID = @CompanyGroupID

        Fetch NEXT FROM Companies_Cursor into @Company

    CLOSE Companies_Cursor
    DEALLOCATE Companies_Cursor

like image 590
PositiveGuy Avatar asked May 24 '12 20:05


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1 Answers

This is a long standing parser issue. You need to get rid of the table prefix or wrap it in square brackets.


delete from @CompanyGroupSites_Master  where CompanyGroupID = @CompanyGroupID 


delete from @CompanyGroupSites_Master  where [@CompanyGroupSites_Master].CompanyGroupID = @CompanyGroupID 


delete from @CompanyGroupSites_Master  where @CompanyGroupSites_Master.CompanyGroupID = @CompanyGroupID 
like image 154
Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Martin Smith