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How to fix Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

I am trying to fetch the below xml from db using a java method but I am getting an error

Code used to parse the xml

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();  InputSource is = new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(cond.getBytes()));  Document doc = db.parse(is);  Element elem = doc.getDocumentElement();  // here we expect a series of <data><name>N</name><value>V</value></data> NodeList nodes = elem.getElementsByTagName("data");  TableID jobId = new TableID(_processInstanceId); Job myJob = Job.queryByID(_clientContext, jobId, true);  if (nodes.getLength() == 0) {     log(Level.DEBUG, "No data found on condition XML");  }  for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {     // loop through the <data> in the XML      Element dataTags = (Element) nodes.item(i);     String name = getChildTagValue(dataTags, "name");     String value = getChildTagValue(dataTags, "value");      log(Level.INFO, "UserData/Value=" + name + "/" + value);      myJob.setBulkUserData(name, value); }  myJob.save(); 

The Data

<ContactDetails>307896043</ContactDetails> <ContactName>307896043</ContactName> <Preferred_Completion_Date> </Preferred_Completion_Date> <service_address>A-End Address: 1ST HELIERST HELIERJT2 3XP832THE CABLES 1 POONHA LANEST HELIER JE JT2 3XP</service_address> <ServiceOrderId>315473043</ServiceOrderId> <ServiceOrderTypeId>50</ServiceOrderTypeId> <CustDesiredDate>2013-03-20T18:12:04</CustDesiredDate> <OrderId>307896043</OrderId> <CreateWho>csmuser</CreateWho> <AccountInternalId>20100333</AccountInternalId> <ServiceInternalId>20766093</ServiceInternalId> <ServiceInternalIdResets>0</ServiceInternalIdResets> <Primary_Offer_Name  action='del'>MyMobile Blue &#163;44.99 [12 month term]</Primary_Offer_Name> <Disc_Reason  action='del'>8</Disc_Reason> <Sup_Offer  action='del'>80000257</Sup_Offer> <Service_Type  action='del'>A-01-00</Service_Type> <Priority  action='del'>4</Priority> <Account_Number  action='del'>0</Account_Number> <Offer  action='del'>80000257</Offer> <msisdn  action='del'>447797142520</msisdn> <imsi  action='del'>234503184</imsi> <sim  action='del'>5535</sim> <ocb9_ARM  action='del'>false</ocb9_ARM> <port_in_required  action='del'> </port_in_required> <ocb9_mob  action='del'>none</ocb9_mob> <ocb9_mob_BB  action='del'> </ocb9_mob_BB> <ocb9_LandLine  action='del'> </ocb9_LandLine> <ocb9_LandLine_BB  action='del'> </ocb9_LandLine_BB> <Contact_2> </Contact_2> <Acc_middle_name> </Acc_middle_name> <MarketCode>7</MarketCode> <Acc_last_name>Port_OUT</Acc_last_name> <Contact_1> </Contact_1> <Acc_first_name>.</Acc_first_name> <EmaiId> </EmaiId> 


 org.apache.xerces.impl.io.MalformedByteSequenceException: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence. 

I read in some threads it's because of some special characters in the xml. How to fix this issue ?

like image 746
shaiksha Avatar asked Mar 21 '13 11:03


1 Answers

How to fix this issue ?

Read the data using the correct character encoding. The error message means that you are trying to read the data as UTF-8 (either deliberately or because that is the default encoding for an XML file that does not specify <?xml version="1.0" encoding="somethingelse"?>) but it is actually in a different encoding such as ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252.

To be able to advise on how you should do this I'd have to see the code you're currently using to read the XML.

like image 173
Ian Roberts Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Ian Roberts