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How to firebase.push in Clojurescript? Is my data correct?

I'm am trying to .push some data to my Firebase but I'm getting this error in my Chrome console:

Uncaught Error: Firebase.push failed: first argument contains an invalid key (cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$) in property 'arr.0'. Keys must be non-empty strings and can't contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]"

Here's my code:

fb (js/Firebase. "https://example.firebaseio.com/example-listings")

(def app-state (atom {"post" { :first_name "Billy"
                               :last_name "Bob"
                               :location "CA"
                               :email "[email protected]"
                               :website "www.pwt.com"

(def postData (get-in @app-state ["post"]))
(.push fb postData)

I also tried replacing the keys with strings :first_name with "first_name". I understand Clojure's data structures are a bit different from JavaScript. Is it the case that Firebase isn't liking my Clojure map?

like image 385
Henry Zhu Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 08:12

Henry Zhu

1 Answers

Firebase expects a JavaScript object to its API calls. You are passing it a Clojure data structure (in this case a map). You have to convert your Clojure data structure to a JavaScript object before passing it to the Firebase function.

So instead of:

(.push fb postData)

you need to do:

(.push fb (clj->js postData))
like image 125
Symfrog Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10
