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How to finish current component while navigating to next component in react native


Hi I am trying to navigate to next component using navigate function. I am using react-navigation for the navigation among multiple components.

Suppose I have index.android.js and DashboardScreen.js component. I am trying to navigate to DashboardScreen.js component from index component.

It is navigating but index component always retain in component stack. when I press back then it opens index.android.js which should not be. Does anyone know how to manage this in react-native. In Android, finish() works for this.


When I am navigating from SplashScreen to EnableNotification then SplashScreen should be destroyed, if I am navigating from EnableNotification to CreateMessage then EnableNotification should be destroyed and if I am navigating from CreateMessage to DashboardScreen then CreateMessage should be destroyed. As of now no component is being destroyed.


class SplashScreen extends Component {
  render() {
    if (__DEV__) {
      console.disableYellowBox = true;

    const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;

    AsyncStorage.getItem("@ProductTour:key").then(value => {
      if (value) {

    return (

const App = StackNavigator(
    Splash: {
      screen: SplashScreen,
      navigationOptions: {
        header: {
          visible: false
    EnableNotification: {
      screen: EnableNotificationScreen,
      navigationOptions: {
        header: {
          visible: false
    CreateMessage: {
      screen: CreateMessageScreen,
      navigationOptions: {
        header: {
          visible: false
    DashboardScreen: {
      screen: DashboardScreen,
      navigationOptions: {
        header: {
          visible: false
    initialRouteName: "Splash"
like image 365
N Sharma Avatar asked Aug 19 '17 14:08

N Sharma

People also ask

How do I stop return in react navigation?

To make this work, you need to: Disable the swipe gesture for the screen ( gestureEnabled: false ). Override the native back button in the header with a custom back button ( headerLeft: (props) => <CustomBackButton {... props} /> ).

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Unfortunately, you can not pass data like this when using the goBack() method.

1 Answers

Just use 'replace' in place of 'navigate'

this.props.navigation.replace('Your Next Component Name')
like image 165
Surender Kumar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Surender Kumar