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How do I resume a MongoDB ChangeStream at the first document and not just changes after I start listening


My goal for this app is to create logic that monitors the database and will trigger actions when a document is added to the database (like sending an email). However, since this application may not be started when a database is first populated, how can I manually create a ResumeToken that points to the very first document that was added into a collection, so that on the first run, I can start at the beginning and iterate through the changes until I reach the end. I recognize that I'll need to store the ResumeToken from the lastChangeStreamDocument for future restarts, but I'm interested in the "first run" scenario. I though enumerator.Reset(); was the correct option, but it threw an exception indicating that it wasn't supported.

I've followed the test provided in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-csharp-driver/blob/master/tests/MongoDB.Driver.Examples/ChangeStreamExamples.cs and have successfully configured a Change Stream with the following code

mongoClient = mongoClient ?? new MongoClient(ConnectionString);  //Create client object if it is null
IMongoDatabase sandboxDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("SandboxDB");

var collection = sandboxDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("CollectionToMonitor");

    var cursor = collection.Watch();
    var enumerator = cursor.ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();

    enumerator.MoveNext();  //Blocks until a record is UPDATED in the database
    var lastChangeStreamDocument = enumerator.Current;

catch( Exception ex)

However, with this code the enumerator.MoveNext() line blocks until an document is UPDATED, so I can only get reference to documents updated after I setup the Change Stream.

I had the idea to search the local.oplog database and get the UUID of the first document inserted into the collection and was successful, however, I don't see a way to convert this reference over to a ResumeToken object that I can feed the watch method.


The ResumeToken appears to be stored as Base64 that contains a timestamp, o._id ObjectID and also the ui UUID from the oplog entry. I need to traverse the code a little more, but it appears from this source code (https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/c906f6357d22f66d58e3334868025069c62bd97b/src/mongo/db/pipeline/resume_token_test.cpp) that there are different formats of ResumeTokens. With this information, hopefully I can build my own ResumeToken to match the format the database is expecting.

Update #2:

After more research, I stumbled across the code for parsing a key_string in mongo at github.com/mongodb/mongo/src/mongo/db/storage/key_string.cpp. This file contains the definition of CType. I decoded the Base64 to a byte array, then with the CType enum definitions I was able to understand a little more about how to build my own ResumeToken.

Consider the following example: I captured a ResumeToken on a ChangeStream after I updated a document.


This decoded to the byte array:

82 5a 7d ce c8 00 00 00 01 46 64 5f 69 64 00 64 5a 7d cc 7e 34 3f 26 9b 15 1c 01 fc 00 5a 10 04 04 4b 0d 58 7b 18 4b f7 ae e7 28 b5 ec 4f 96 7e 04

Which I have decoded to be:

//Timestamp (of oplog entry??)
82    //CType::TimeStamp
5a 7d ce c8 00 00 00 01   //It appears to be expecting a 64b number
//I'm not sure why the last byte 0x01 unless it has something to do with little/bit endian
//Matching oplog doc has { ts: TimeStamp(1518194376, 1) }
//  that integer converts to 0x5A7DCEC8

//Unknown Object
46    //CType::Object
64 5f 69 64     //Either expecting a 32b value or null terminated
00    //Null terminator or divider

//Document ID
64    //CType::OID
5a 7d cc 7e 34 3f 26 9b 15 1c 01 fc  //o._id value from oplog entry
00    //OID expecting null terminated

5a    //CType::BinData
10    //Length (16b)
04    //BinDataType of newUUID (from bsontypes.h)
04 4b 0d 58 7b 18 4b f7 ae e7 28 b5 ec 4f 96 7e  //UUID value from oplog entry
04    //Unknown byte. Perhaps end of ResumeToken, or end of UUID mark?

The problem I have now is that if I many oplog entries for a collection, and I use the ts, ui and o._id values from the first entry in the oplog to build my own ResumeToken (hard-coding the unknown 0x4664 5f69 6400 block and also the ending 0x04 byte, then the server accepts this as a valid ResumeToken when setting up collection.Watch. However, the document returned by the enumerator.moveNext() call always returns the 3rd oplog entry and not the 2nd one!

I'm nervous relying on this in production without knowing the purpose of that 12Byte block and also without knowing why I'm pointing at the 3rd and not 2nd entry.

Update #3:

Those blocks of bytes in question:

46 64 5f 69 64 00

0x46 = CType::Object
0x64 = d
0x5F = _
0x69 = i
0x64 = d
0x00 = NULL

The following block of bytes describes the ObjectId of affected document, or it's "_id" key. So what is the significance of the "d" char?

like image 243
Jerren Saunders Avatar asked Feb 07 '18 13:02

Jerren Saunders

People also ask

How does MongoDB change stream work?

Change streams transform a MongoDB database into a real-time database by taking advantage of MongoDB's replication process. They monitor replication in MongoDB, providing an API for external applications that require real-time data without the risk involved in tailing the oplog or the overhead that comes with polling.

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Using Java programCreate a MongoDB client by instantiating the MongoClient class. Connect to a database using the getDatabase() method. Get the object of the collection from which you want to retrieve the documents, using the getCollection() method.

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You can use read operations to retrieve data from your MongoDB database. There are multiple types of read operations that access the data in different ways. If you want to request results based on a set of criteria from the existing set of data, you can use a find operation such as the find() or findOne() methods.

2 Answers

I've been updating the question with additional information as I worked through this, and I have managed to piece it altogether now, so that it is working.

Below is the code that I've created to:

  1. Find the first entry of a namespace in the local.oplog collection
  2. Generate a ResumeToken from that oplog document (so we resume on the second entry)
  3. Example for testing those function.

Hopefully this code will be beneficial for others who are attempting to do the same.

/// <summary>
/// Locates the first document for the given namespace in the local.oplog collection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="docNamespace">Namespace to search for</param>
/// <returns>First Document found in the local.oplog collection for the specified namespace</returns>
internal static BsonDocument GetFirstDocumentFromOpLog(string docNamespace)
    mongoClient = mongoClient ?? new MongoClient(ConnectionString);  //Create client object if it is null
    IMongoDatabase localDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("local");
    var collection = localDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("oplog.rs");

    //Find the documents from the specified namespace (DatabaseName.CollectionName), that have an operation type of "insert" (The first entry to a collection must always be an insert)
    var filter = MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>("{ $and: [ { 'ns': '" + docNamespace + "'}, { 'op': 'i'}] }");

    BsonDocument retDoc = null;
    try //to get the first document from the oplog entries
        retDoc = collection.Find<BsonDocument>(filter).First();
    catch(Exception ex) { /*Logger.WriteException(ex);*/ }
    return retDoc;

/// <summary>
/// Takes a document from the OpLog and generates a ResumeToken
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstDoc">BsonDocument from the local.oplog collection to base the ResumeToken on</param>
/// <returns>A ResumeToken that can be provided to a collection watch (ChangeStream) that points to the firstDoc provided</returns>
private static BsonDocument GetResumeTokenFromOpLogDoc(BsonDocument firstDoc)
    List<byte> hexVal = new List<byte>(34);

    //Insert Timestamp of document
    hexVal.Add(0x82);   //TimeStamp Tag
    byte[] docTimeStampByteArr = BitConverter.GetBytes(firstDoc["ts"].AsBsonTimestamp.Timestamp); //Timestamp is an integer, so we need to reverse it
    if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(docTimeStampByteArr); }

    //Expecting UInt64, so make sure we added 8 bytes (likely only added 4)
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }); //Not sure why the last bytes is a 0x01, but it was present in observed ResumeTokens

    //Unknown Object observed in a ResumeToken
    //0x46 = CType::Object, followed by the string "d_id" NULL
    //This may be something that identifies that the following value is for the "_id" field of the ObjectID given next
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x46, 0x64, 0x5F, 0x69, 0x64, 0x00 }); //Unknown Object, expected to be 32 bits, with a 0x00 terminator

    //Insert OID (from 0._id.ObjectID)
    hexVal.Add(0x64);   //OID Tag
    byte[] docByteArr = firstDoc["o"]["_id"].AsObjectId.ToByteArray();
    hexVal.Add(0x00);   //End of OID

    //Insert UUID (from ui) as BinData
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x5a, 0x10, 0x04 });   //0x5A = BinData, 0x10 is Length (16 bytes), 0x04 is BinDataType (newUUID)

    hexVal.Add(0x04);   //Unknown marker (maybe end of resumeToken since 0x04 == ASCII 'EOT')

    //Package the binary data into a BsonDocument with the key "_data" and the value as a Base64 encoded string
    BsonDocument retDoc = new BsonDocument("_data", new BsonBinaryData(hexVal.ToArray()));
    return retDoc;

/// <summary>
/// Example Code for setting up and resuming to the second doc
/// </summary>
internal static void MonitorChangeStream()
    mongoClient = mongoClient ?? new MongoClient(ConnectionString);  //Create client object if it is null
    IMongoDatabase sandboxDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("SandboxDB");
    var collection = sandboxDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("CollectionToMonitor");

    var options = new ChangeStreamOptions();
    options.FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup;

        var pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>().Match("{ operationType: { $in: [ 'replace', 'insert', 'update' ] } }");  //Works

        //Build ResumeToken from the first document in the oplog collection
        BsonDocument resumeTokenRefDoc = GetFirstDocumentFromOpLog(collection.CollectionNamespace.ToString());
        if (resumeTokenRefDoc != null)
            BsonDocument docResumeToken = GetResumeTokenFromOpLogDoc(resumeTokenRefDoc);
            options.ResumeAfter = docResumeToken;

        //Setup the ChangeStream/Watch Cursor
        var cursor = collection.Watch(pipeline, options);
        var enumerator = cursor.ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();

        enumerator.MoveNext();  //Blocks until a record is UPDATEd, REPLACEd or INSERTed in the database (thanks to the pipeline arg), or returns the second entry (thanks to the ResumeToken that points to the first entry)

        ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument> lastChangeStreamDocument = enumerator.Current;
        //lastChangeStreamDocument is now pointing to the second entry in the oplog, or the just received entry
        //A loop can be setup to call enumerator.MoveNext() to step through each entry in the oplog history and to also receive new events

        enumerator.Dispose();   //Be sure to dispose of the enumerator when finished.
    catch( Exception ex)

If anyone has any suggestions on improvements to the code, please offer suggestions. I'm still learning.

like image 57
Jerren Saunders Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Jerren Saunders

Many of the above answers are valiant (amazing really)... but ultimately I worry that they are fragile.

Please see the startAtOperationTime parameter of the watch() method. This allows you to start watching a collection from a given point of time. What I don't know is: how to I get and set the server time from MongoDB? To me it doesn't make sense to use this parameter with a client-time value.

like image 31
Robert Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
