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How to find the unclosed div tag [closed]

People also ask

How do you find the closing tag in HTML?

To find the closing tag you need to look at the end of the selection, or push the right arrow key.

How do I close an unclosed tag in HTML?

<? php // close opened html tags function closetags ( $html ) { #put all opened tags into an array preg_match_all ( "#<([a-z]+)( .

How do you check a div in HTML?

Use the tagName property to check if an element is a div, e.g. if (div. tagName === 'DIV') {} . The tagName property returns the tag name of the element on which it was accessed. Note that the property returns tag names of DOM elements in uppercase.

I made an online tool called Unclosed Tag Finder which will do what you need.

Paste in your HTML, and it will give you output like "Closing tag on line 188 does not match open tag on line 62."

Update: The new location of the Unclosed Tag Finder is https://jonaquino.blogspot.com/2013/05/unclosed-tag-finder.html

As stated already, running your code through the W3C Validator is great but if your page is complex, you still may not know exactly where to find the open div.

I like using tabs to indent my code. It keeps it visually organized so that these issues are easier to find, children, siblings, parents, etc... they'll appear more obvious.

EDIT: Also, I'll use a few HTML comments to mark closing tags in the complex areas. I keep these to a minimum for neatness.


        Main Content

            Div #1 content

               Child of div #1

                   Child of child of div #1
               </div><!--// close of child of child of div #1 //-->
            </div><!--// close of child of div #1 //-->
        </div><!--// close of div #1 //-->

            Div #2 content

            Div #3 content

    </div><!--// close of Main Content div //-->


the World Wide Web Consortium HTML Validator is great at catching HTML errors.

Use notepad ++ . you can find them easily


Or you can View source from FIREfox - Unclosed divs will be shown in RED

I know that there have already been some good answers, but I came across this question with a Google Search and I wish someone would have pointed out this online checking tool...


You just throw in a URL and it will show you the entire map of the page. Very useful for a quick debug like I needed.