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How to find out which folder Tomcat is installed by brew on MacOS?

I am learning JSP programing which requires Tomcat. I followed some tutorials but failed to install successfully(Probably some step is not clear match to my situation)

Then I found out you can install easily by this command line:

brew install tomcat 

It looks install is successful,

enter image description here

My challenge is after install, I don't know where it is on my hard drive. Therefore, can't configure it in IntelliJ.

enter image description here

My question is:

How do I find out where Tomcat is installed by brew on MacOS?


like image 949
Nicolas S.Xu Avatar asked Jun 25 '16 16:06

Nicolas S.Xu

People also ask

Where is Tomcat directory on Mac?

Thanks! I know the answer has been given, but here's the way I found out: after brew install tomcat I did catalina version and found that CATALINA_HOME was set to /usr/local/Cellar/tomcat/<tomcat-version>/libexec .

How do I know where Tomcat is installed?

Just go to start and then type tomcat. If it is installed it will give you the directory where it is installed. Then you can select that path and run it from command prompt. Example if tomcat is installed in C:\Programfile\tomcat.

What is Tomcat bin directory?

In the bin folder, the executable programs are contained, including scripts to start and stop the Tomcat instance. The conf folder contains a set of XML and property configuration file. The file server. xml represents Tomcat's main configuration file.

1 Answers

brew ls tomcat 

This command will show the directory of brew package.

like image 87
Nicolas S.Xu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Nicolas S.Xu