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How do I set Tomcat Manager Application User Name and Password for NetBeans?

People also ask

What is username and password for tomcat Manager?

After restarting Tomcat, you should be able to access the Manager app (http://localhost:8080/manager/html) using username = admin and password = admin.

How do I change the default username and password for tomcat?

In the Services window, right-click the Ixiasoft Tomcat CCMS entry. Click Start. Edit the [CCMS Web Path]/apache-tomcat-[version]/webapps/oxygen-webapp/WEB-INF/license. properties file and update the new password.

How does tomcat integrate with Netbeans?

After you download and extract Tomcat follow these steps: Tools -> Plugins -> Available plugins, search for 'tomcat' and install the one named "Java EE Base plugin". Restart Netbeans. On the project view (default left side of the screen), go to services, right click on Servers and then "Add Server"

What is the default password for tomcat Manager?

The Windows installer for Apache Tomcat defaults to a blank password for the administrative user. If this is not changed during the install process, then by default a user is created with the name admin, roles admin and manager and a blank password.

When you're launching tomcat server from netbeans IDE you need to check in menu "tools->servers" on connection tab for tomcat server - there is catalina base directory. And you need to include something like:

 <role rolename="manager"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager"/>

at file


or use username automatically generated by IDE with description already placed in this file or on connection tab

For Manager Apps : GUI access:

<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="s3cret" roles="manager-gui"/>

Netbeans Problem: For apache Tomcat server Authentication required dialog box requesting user name and password

This dialog box appear If a user role and his credentials are not set or is incorrect for Tomcat startup via NetBeans IDE,

OR when user/pass set in IDE is not matches with user/pass in "canf/tomcat-user.xml" file

1..Need to check user name and password set in IDE tools-->server

2..Check \CATALINA_BASE\conf\tomcat-users.xml. whether user and his role is defined or not. If not add these lines

<user username="ide" password="EiWnNlBG" roles="manager-script,admin"/>

3.. set the same user/pass in IDE tools->server

  1. restart your server to get effect of changes

Source: http://ohmjavaclasses.blogspot.com/2011/12/netbeans-problem-for-apache-tomcat.html

I case of tomcat 7 the role has changed from manager to manager-gui so set it as below in the tomcat-user.xml file.

enter image description here

Well if you are using Netbeans in Linux, then you should look for the tomcat-user.xml in


(its called Catalina Base and is often hidden) instead of the Apache installation directory.

open tomcat-user.xml inside that folder, uncomment the user and roles and add/replace the following line.

    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,admin,admin-gui,manager,manager-gui"/>

restart the server . That's all

Follow my steps and be happy:

1.- When you are configuring Netbeans for the first time, they will ask you for a "user" and "pass" for the Catalina-Server.

2.- Type whatever "user" and "pass" . This will modify your "tomcat-users.xml" and will add:

user password="MYPASS" roles="manager-script,admin,tomcat" username="MYUSER"

3.- To use this "user" just restart your TOMCAT WEB SERVER and NETBEANS.