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How to find maximum value in a table

Say in table A, we have application name and location where those applications are used.

I'm looking to find the location where an application is being used the most. In case of ties, both locations should be returned.

Table content:

Application Location
A            xy
A            xy
A            ab
B            xy
B            ab
B            ab

Expected output:

Application   Max(Loc)
A             xy
B             ab
like image 638
Raja Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 14:04


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1 Answers

This can be solved using the aggregation function RANK. Use ROW_NUMBER instead to return only one row per application in case of ties.

Example on SQL Fiddle.

SELECT application, location
  SELECT application, location,
         RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY application ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC ) AS rn
  FROM t
  GROUP BY application, location
) x
WHERE rn = 1;
like image 177
Peter Lang Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09

Peter Lang