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How to find connections between users so I can create a closed friend circle?

Hi all,

First of all, I'm not trying to create a social network, facebook is big enough! (comic) I've chosen this question as example because it fits exactly on what I'm trying to do.

Imagine that I have in MySQL a users table and a user_connections table with 'friend requests'. If so, it would be something like this:

Users Table:

userid  username
1       John
2       Amalia
3       Stewie
4       Stuart
5       Ron
6       Harry
7       Joseph
8       Tiago
9       Anselmo
10      Maria

User Connections Table:

userid_request  userid_accepted
2               3
7               2
3               4
7               8
5               6
4               5
8               9
4               7
9               10
6               1
10              7
1               2

Now I want to find circles between friends and create a structure array and put that circle on the database (none of the arrays can include the same friends that another has already).

Return Example:

    // First Circle of Friends
    Circleid => 1
    CircleStructure => Array(
        1 => 2,
        2 => 3,
        3 => 4,
        4 => 5,
        5 => 6,
        6 => 1,
    // Second Circle of Friends
    Circleid => 2
    CircleStructure => Array(
        7 => 8,
        8 => 9,
        9 => 10,
        10 => 7,

I'm trying to think of an algorithm to do that, but I think it will take a lot of processing time because it would randomly search the database until it 'closes' a circle.

PS: The minimum structure length of a circle is 3 connections and the limit is 100 (so the daemon doesn't search the entire database)


I've think on something like this:

function browse_user($userget='random',$users_history=array()){

    $user = user::get($userget);

    $users_history[] = $user['userid'];

    $connections = user::connection::getByUser($user['userid']);
    foreach($connections as $connection){
        $userid = ($connection['userid_request']!=$user['userid']) ? $connection['userid_request'] : $connection['userid_accepted'];

        // Start the circle array
        if(in_array($userid,$users_history)) return array($user['userid'] => $userid);

        $res = browse_user($userid, $users_history);

            // Continue the circle array
            return $res + array($user['userid'] => $userid);

  return false;


    $res = browse_user();

    // Yuppy, friend circle found!

    // Start from scratch again!

The problem with this function is that it could search the entire database without finding the biggest circle, or the best match.

like image 419
cusspvz Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 19:04


1 Answers

Doing this kind of operations on large datasets is almost always a (too) big job for a single batch. When working with large amounts of data, you should build indexes continuously. Make a circle test at every time an "user" is added or become "friend" with another "user", and store the resulting circles in an index table. Then when a new "user" signs up or becomes "friend" with another "user", you should use your index database to find new circles based on the old ones.


I got a quite enthusiastic on this problem, so I made a proof-of-concept class of boisvert's ideas on how to solve this. I put the code on GitHub at: https://github.com/alfreddatakillen/Six-Degrees-of-Separation (it would be a bit messy to post it here).

It seems to work pretty well. However, I have not tested it with huge amounts of data. I'm pretty sure that you will have to optimize this, since it basicly is a brute-force attack storing every step on the way... (If you do optimize or use the code, I'd be happy if you push changes to GitHub - I might want to use it in a future project myself.)


like image 81
Alfred Godoy Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Alfred Godoy