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How to filter rows with null values in any of its columns in SSRS


I want to filter out the output without rows containing null values or blank columns. I am using SQL Server 2012 there is no option named 'Blank' as in SS2005 where I can filter the rows. I also tried following expression but it gives me error or not showing correct output

=IsNothing(Fields!ABC.Value)!= True 
=Fields!ABC.Value = ''

Please suggest the solution.

like image 676
Rajaram Shelar Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 07:10

Rajaram Shelar

1 Answers

  • Pull up the tablix or group properties
  • Switch to "Filters"
  • Add a new filter
  • Set the expression to:


  • Set the type to "Boolean" (see screenshot below) otherwise you'll get a "cannot compare data of types boolean and string" error.

  • Set the value to false

screenshot of grouping dialog, higlighting expression type setting

This works for filtering both rows and groups.

like image 160
Tim Abell Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10

Tim Abell