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The plugin didn't work on xcode 5.1


I've updated xcode to version 5.1. And all my plugins didn't work.

I didn't see any error log when I install them again.

How can I detect result of installing processing?

I'm using

  • Alcatraz.xcplugin

  • CocoaPods.xcplugin

  • KSImageNamed.xcplugin

  • XAlign.xcplugin

I think there's some problem with xcode 5.1 because all my plugins still work on xcode 5.0.1

like image 799
Tony Avatar asked Mar 11 '14 11:03


1 Answers

Based on what Tuan Do said (THANK YOU!):

  • navigate to your plugins folder (library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins)
  • Right click on the plug in and select show package contents
  • Open the info.plist file and find the DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs and expand that section.
  • Click the + button and paste the UUID from above.
  • Save the file and restart Xcode.
  • Your plugins will appear again.

Repeat for any plug ins.

  • Xcode 6 UUID

  • Xcode 6.2 UUID

  • Xcode 6.3 UUID

  • Xcode 6.3.2 UUID

  • Xcode 7.3 UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C

How to find the UUID?

Open Terminal and paste the following:

defaults read /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID
like image 90
Justin Holman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Justin Holman