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How to fill missing values by using different conditions




Let's say that we have the following dataframe. I want to fill the null values of the column height group by column Subject and the following conditions.

  1. If there is one missing value in a Subject fills the missing value of this Subject with the other value.
  2. If there are two missing values in a Subject, then fill these missing values by using the median height of all subjects that x == 'AA'

Note: In the desired dataframe we must have the same value per Subject.

df = pd.DataFrame({'Subject': [1,1,2,2,3,3], 'x':['AA','AA','BB','BB','AA','AA'], 'height': [130, np.nan, np.nan, 170, np.nan, np.nan]})

enter image description here

Here is the desired dataframe.

enter image description here

like image 610
Giannis Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 16:03


1 Answers

You can first fillna() using a grouped ffill() and bfill(), and then using the column median:



   Subject   x  height
0        1  AA   130.0
1        1  AA   130.0
2        2  BB   170.0
3        2  BB   170.0
4        3  AA   150.0
5        3  AA   150.0

Edit: If you require that the median should be taken over the values of the x values that equal the ones missing, not over the whole dataset, you could use @xicoaio's advice and replace my second line df['height'].fillna(df['height'].median(),inplace=True), with:

df['height'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['height'] if x['height'] == np.nan else df[df['x'] == x['x']]['height'].median() , axis=1)


   Subject   x  height
0        1  AA   130.0
1        1  AA   130.0
2        2  BB   170.0
3        2  BB   170.0
4        3  AA   130.0
5        3  AA   130.0
like image 152
sophocles Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 03:03
