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How to extract only the data points from BodePlot plot?

I am trying to fix the Phase plot part of BodePlot, as it does not wrap correctly. And there is no option that I can use to tell it to wrap.

So, instead of doing the full plot myself, (I can do that if I have to) I am thinking of first making the BodePlot, grab the data points, do the wrapping on the data (once I get the x,y data, the rest is easy), then I need to put the new list of points back into the plot, and then use Show to display it.

The part I am stuck at, is extracting the points from FullForm. I can't get the correct Pattern to do that.

This is what I go to so far:

phasePlot=BodePlot[tf,{0.001,2 Pi},

enter image description here

You see how it does not wrap at 180 degrees. It is more common in dsp that Bode phase plot wraps. Here is what it 'should' look like:

enter image description here

So, this is what I did:

  List[List[], List[], 
   List[Hue[0.67, 0.6, 0.6], 
    Line[List[List[0.0010000243495554542, -0.2673870119911639], 
      List[0.0013659538057574799, -0.36521403872250247], 
      List[0.0017318832619595053, -0.46304207336414027],

I see the data there (the x,y) But how to pull them out? I tried this:

  Cases[FullForm[phasePlot], List[x_, y_] -> {x, y}, Infinity];

But the above matches in addition to the list of point, other stuff that I do not need. I tried many other things, but can't get only the list of points out.

I was wondering if someone knows how to pull only the (x,y) points from the above plot. Is there a better way to do this other than using FullForm?



I just find a post here which shows how to extract data from plot. So I used it:

   points = Cases[Normal@phasePlot, Line[pts_] -> pts, Infinity]
like image 343
Nasser Avatar asked Jul 27 '11 07:07


2 Answers

You could do try nesting the replacement rules, for example

phase2 = phasePlot /. 
    Line[a_] :> (Line[a] /. {x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ} :> {x, Mod[y, 360, -180]});
Show[phase2, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-180, 180}}, FrameTicks -> Automatic]


BodePlot with wrapping

like image 116
Heike Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09


The list you are looking for appears to be wrapped by Line[], and it seems to be the only case in your plot. So you could use

Cases[phasePlot, Line[list_] :>  list, Infinity]

Edit: When I posted my response, the page refreshed and I saw that you came across precisely what I had proposed. I'll leave my response posted here anyway.

Edit2: Szabolics pointed out that FullForm[] has no effect, so I removed it from my original posting.

like image 25
DavidC Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
