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How to extract Dart/Flutter video metadata




I am developing a flutter demo app. I want to use metadata about a video in my phone storage. I am able to extract the path of that video, but don't know how to extract its metadata in dart/flutter.

I need the following metadata:

  1. Duration of video
  2. Name of video
  3. Size of video
  4. When video was taken
like image 449
Sudhansu CronJ Avatar asked Mar 05 '19 05:03

Sudhansu CronJ

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1 Answers

One of the ways to get the creation time of the video in FLutter is to use flutter_ffmpeg plugin.

  1. Add it to the pubspec.yaml:

       flutter_ffmpeg: ^0.3.0
  2. Get the file path of your video, for example with file_picker:

    File pickedFile = await FilePicker.getFile(); 
  3. Get meta data of the video by its path using ffmpeg:

     final FlutterFFprobe flutterFFprobe = FlutterFFprobe();
     MediaInformation mediaInformation = await flutterFFprobe.getMediaInformation(pickedFile.path);
     Map<dynamic, dynamic> mp = mediaInformation.getMediaProperties();
     String creationTime = mp["tags"]["creation_time"];
     print("creationTime: $creationTime");

And in the console you'll get smth like this:

I/flutter (13274): creationTime: 2020-09-24T17:59:24.000000Z

Along with creation time, there are other useful details: enter image description here

Note: adding this plugin to your app increases the weight of your final apk!

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Kirill Karmazin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Kirill Karmazin